about me

first off, i used sadgrl's layout builder for this site! thank you so much!

i'm just a guy on the internet that was completely captivated by the AC6 story trailer and fell down a rabbithole from there. maybe i'm a raven just like you? hehe

the story, characters, and setting of AC6 really resonated with me, and i was getting frustrated trying to keep the info i had in order in my mind, so i thought i should make a website. that's the next logical step, of course, because i guess i've never heard of a notebook. it doesn't help either that i really enjoyed a lot of works that some of the key staff of AC6 worked on in the past (namely Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice and Xenoblade Chronicles X)...

i don't think it's too necessary to put a lot of personal info here, but i will say that i am autistic and i like to draw. this is relevant because of the way my autism makes me act, often becoming obsessed with things that i can see myself in, such as stories like AC6's... and because sometimes i might put my fanart here. we'll see, haha

i hope you enjoy your time poking around my little website here, and if you have any questions or things you'd like to contribute, you can DM me on twitter or add me on discord (amabiko)(though i might delete your contact after a while because i am shy).

and then, for what it's worth... my favourite character is rusty...